The federal government spends billions of dollars annually on education. The Chabad Consortium was created by the Merkos Chinuch Office to assure that Chabad and other schools maximize their benefit from US Department of Education. Mr. Bryan Kaplan, a school consultant from LA, leads the consortium and has developed processes and programs which have brought millions of dollars (in education goods and services) to our mosdos.
The Chabad Consortium as the representative of the NYC Chabad schools (which has been extended into a general NYC Yeshiva consortium) has been instrumental in expanding Title services to schools in general and helping facilitate the effectiveness of those services. For example, through the lobbying efforts of the Consortium, a major new ruling was issued whereby graduates of seminaries and yeshivas are deemed eligible to serve as teachers for Title I services. This ruling had to trickle down from Washington, through Albany.
The Chinuch Office may not receive any direct funds or services, though it bears the cost of running its programs.