Curriculum Development and Publication
The Chinuch Office publishes curriculum materials written by and for educators in Chabad schools. This includes curricular outlines such as; Scope, which is the depth and development of content across grade levels, and Sequence work, which is the order in which said content should be taught for optimal learning.
Summer Chinuch Conferences
Every year during the summer months two education conferences are sponsored, one for men, and one for women. For 48 hours educators from across the country get together to listen, learn, participate, and discuss in an atmosphere strictly dedicated to education. the New Cyber Center for Educators is the most practical and transformative approach to curriculum development and teacher preparedness. It will be an interactive website that will feature tools such as;
A database and personal curriculum development center. Also known as the Skills Hierarchy.
*The Skills Hierarchy was developed by the Chinuch Office in 2017. It will be a database of student-focused activity centers. As students use these centers, information will be gathered into the main database which will slowly develop individualized learning techniques for each student.
This site will allow teachers in all schools access to a wealth of teaching material. For example, class work, exercises, homework, tests, teaching tips, etc. and thus assist them in their class preparation by generating plans, activities, and assessment tools.
Some of these features in development, which will make the site invaluable to teachers include;
Toolbox : A place where teachers can go to view and download all class related material.
Library : This feature contains suggested reading for teachers and exclusive material for their personal edification.
My Students : This is a page within the “my classroom” feature. It will depict a classroom layout in which each desk represents a student account.
Confidential Teacher Consultant : This is a private chat room which teachers can access to consult experienced teaching/psychological professionals regarding sensitive issues/ personal advice and mentoring.
Teacher exchange
: This provides a forum for education discussion and professional interaction. It will soon contain articles, audio lectures, videos, and other information pertaining to Jewish education.